EnergyQuest Portal of Success: Engineer of the Month.

News, Press release

We are delighted to inform you about the release of Q2 2022 issue of EnergyQuest Magazine in June 2022. The previous editions of EnergyQuest Magazine were well received by oil, gas & energy professionals as well as general public.

This issue brings you the latest industry information, news stories, interviews and activities across the entire value chain of oil, gas and energy industry. It features interviews, articles on exploration, field development, local content, investment, energy security, technology, digitalisation, sustainability, energy transition, international best practices & other trending topics across the entire value chain of oil, gas & energy industry.

Moreover, the impressive profile of Engineer Bior Atem is featured for the month of June 2022. Eng. Bior Atem is featured as Engineer of the Month following his participation in our Engineer of the Month Series, a recognition program that showcases and profiles our own engineers who are trained within or outside of South Sudan. This program also aims to provide inspiration and motivation not only to professionals in oil, gas & energy industry but also to those in other diverse sectors of economy. 

EnergyQuest Magazine is honoured to conduct an interview with Engineer Bior Atem, a South Sudanese Oil & Gas Industry Professional and a certified Neuroencoding Specialist. Just like many other children born in those days of conflict, his early education journey experienced so many interruptions. For instance, he spent five primary-school years in five different schools learning different academic curriculum covering three countries of then Southern Sudan syllabus, Kenya syllabus and Uganda syllabus. With his determination, commitment & resilience, he was able to move forward despite the presence of challenges. His goals are entwined with compassion to groom others through teaching, coaching and mentoring. He envisioned building and growing an empire of dreamers who will aspire to have impact on society around them and the world at large.

It is to be noted that print copies of magazines will be distributed in next week. For corporate purchase of magazines, subscription & advertisement, do not hesitate to contact our team at or simply call us using +211911230666, or visit

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